Thursday, April 5, 2012

My essay outline

The following is my essay #4 outline:

A Road Map for Constructing an Essay
   A-It all starts with a subject.
      1-write down everything you know about the subject
      2-expand and extract information
   B-summarize the important ideas of your essay
      1-reinforce key points or ideas
   C-refine and develop the thesis statement
   D-you need to have it peer reviewed
      1-They need to be able to tell you what works and what does not work
Organization Styles
      1-Narratives tell a story
 B-Visual Rhetoric and Gazes
     1-Gazes frame the narrative in the way the author wants us to perceive the story
 C-Definitions classification and division
     1-. Definitions allow the author to give the reader necessary information so that the audience can understand the essay. 
     2-Classification can be thought of as the main ideas
     3-divisions support the main ideas
Compare and Contrast
 A-Side by Side comparison format allows the author to explain and illustrate the entire subject
 B-Point by Point comparison or subject by subject is a format that is especially beneficial to illustrate differences or similarities in debate or refute type comparisons
Process Explanation
 A-This type of essay structure is especially useful to political and social scientists. This process involves testing and proving theories by way of showing how or why events happen
 A-summary and reinforce ideas
 A-What are you trying to say?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to write and Essay

     I have learned many concepts for writing an essay this semester. I believe that, the most important concept I have learned is the writing process.
     After getting the subject, the most important thing to do is write. Write down everything you know on the subject. Do not censor yourself, do not worry about grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Writing down everything you know about the subject allows you to see what information you need to know and what you already know. You can always expand and extract as necessary later. This allows you to understand what type of essay you want to use: Narrative, visual rhetoric, definition and compare and contrast, or process explanation. These organization tools allow you to reach your audience in the desired way.
     Then summarize and refine the key points of your essay and write your summary. This should "wrap-up" the discussion for the reader and allows you to hammer home the important concepts you want the reader to understand.
     Use the summary to extract your thesis statement. List your thesis in the introduction as well as any definitions that the audience might need to understand your paper. Include any relevant or current information or stories in the introduction and give the reader a road map of what you are writing about.
     Lastly, and most important, is the title. The title must grab the readers attention and give them a reason to read your story.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Writing Methodology Outline

     Writing is a process. This process involves can become overwhelming unless it is broken down into its various parts and pieces. To be successful with writing we have to get past the elementary school definition of a paper, "Beginning, Middle and End" and expand those definitions a little bit. Writing a paper starts with the subject. This can be given by assignment or by choice. Then we must decide who will be our audience. Then what is the intended purpose of the paper.
     To write an essay it is important to start with the middle or body. This involves writing down everything we know about the subject. We can always go back later and refine, extract or expand any information to suit our purpose. Next, we need to summarize the import points of our paper in the conclusion or the end. Lastly, we need to use those important points and develop a thesis statement for our introduction or beginning.
     There are many different tools to use when constructing a paper. I will discuss each of them briefly,  Narrative, Cause and Effect, Rhetorical Gazes, Compare and Contrast, Definition and Classification and Division and, Process Explanation. There are tools within each category as well to help the writer bring his ideas forward.
     The writing process involves several rhetorical tools and ideas. Writing is a process on construction just as baking a cake or building a house. With the right tools you can create a masterpiece.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Classification and Division- An expanded view

     Introduction to Classification and Division
     Classification and division should be renamed Classification!- The Big Picture, and Division!-The Details. When used in rhetoric the term Classification and division is an organizational tool for composing articles, essays and research papers. While this method is can be seen in most rhetorical works it is easily identified in research papers when compare and contrast is being utilized.Often times, one can easily distinguish the classifications in a paper by the bold, center justified headings. This is an organizational tool to present the big picture ideas of the next section that the author wishes to discuss.
     Divisions are sub-components of classifications. Where Classification gives the audience the topic of the next segment of the paper, Division lets the reader know when each point is being discussed. This is a rhetorical tool used to clarify and separate different points pertaining to the topic being discussed. Divisions in this case are bold, left justified.
     Classification and division is a tool to organize rhetoric. Authors typically do this with, or without, the obvious clues. This tool gives names to the process that most stories follow any way, introduction, body with supporting examples, conclusion. Classification and division getting the details about the big picture.

Friday, February 24, 2012

What are the three income types?

      My essay is about the Occupy Wall Street Movement and why they are justified in their anger. The frustration is born out of unjust benefits to the wealthy at the expense of the other classes. The banking collapse of 2008 was just the end of a long line of abuses by those who control the money. The tipping point for the protesters was the fact that not one CEO or executive has been prosecuted for this collapse which was clearly created by their greed. While average Americans are loosing their homes and are unemployed, these fat cats are getting record bonuses. Important to this article is the discussion of the three income types. They are labor or wage income, business income, and capital income.
      Labor income is the wages that each of us make by going to work. We are exchanging our time and skill for monetary remuneration. This is the most common type because 99% of American workers are in this category.This income is subject to both the income tax and the payroll tax. Meaning we pay both income tax and social security/medicare taxes. Social security and medicare taxes equals 15% (7.5% paid by you and 7.5% paid by your employer) of your wages in addition to your income tax bracket percentage.
     Second is business income. This income is represented by the small business. This represents the profit of contractors, shop owners, daycare owners, beauty salon owners, etc. The idea being that the  money is often used to reinvest in there own companies to purchase new equipment, hire more workers, increase production.This income can fall into either labor or capital depending on amounts of income and corporate structure.
     The third type of income is called capital income. This income is generated from investment returns, property, dividends and hedge fund managerial fees. These are the fees we pay to have someone run our 401k funds. Their income for running our retirement is not counted as wage income and therefore they pay only up to 15%  in taxes on this income. This type of income is what the 1% of top earning Americans have. The Americans in this 1% earn 80% of their income through capitol. Meaning they are taxed only up to 15%. We pay 15% in payroll tax AND income tax.

Difinitions-Defining the discussion and Star Wars

     Can you imagine trying to explain the "force" to someone who has never seen Star Wars? The discussion of definitions and getting my audience on my same page made me think of the conversation Ben, Luke and Solo had on the Millennium Falcon after they escaped Tattooine. Solo quipped, "Hokey religions and superstitions are no match for a blaster." Obviously Solo was not on the same page as Luke and Ben. Ben told Luke that, "The force is everywhere in everything, That it moves through you and in you." Later I learned that the force comes from stupid little infections called midichlorians! Now if you have been following my blogs I have referenced Star Wars many times and you probably have some knowledge of the story and the characters. If you haven't got a clue what I am talking about go back and read my previous blogs. You will then be on the same page as I am.
     Definitions allow the author to frame the argument. The same thing happens when I give the background info, or set-up a story. I bring the audience up to speed so that they can participate in the discussion. My Definitions Essay is about the Occupy Movement and the criminal bastards on Wall Street and their evil cohorts in high government office. See I just defined my essay to you. Now you know what side of the debate I am on and you can guess which way my views go. I have pasted the link to my story and the first paragraph of my essay below.Definitions define the discussion.

Tackling Income Inequality

     The Occupy Wall street movement stems from an idea. The idea being that the economic/ political system is broken. The system is supposed to be just and it is not. The old saying “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer,” has never been more evident than it is today. The protesters may not have any new ideas on how or what to change. They are frustrated Americans giving voice to the feeling most Americans share. The feeling that this system is skewed to the business and political elite and that they are making laws and rules to benefit themselves at the expense of the worker.
Economix - Explaining the Science of Everyday Life
November 18, 2011, 6:00 am
Tackling Income Inequality

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Subject Specific Rhetorical Terms= Lingo, Terminology, Jargon, (insert occupation here)speak

      I have heard terms and phrase such as, Army Jargon, I don't speak the lingo, Medical terminology and, Lawyer speak my entire life.   This is the language that is used by certain groups and/or communities, that may not be understood outside their respective circles. This is the language of the audience. As a Essayist In Training or EIT, it is important that I communicate written ideas in the language of the audience I am trying to reach. I could use many military terms that civilians would not  understand and, further still, specific terminology that is only used in some military communities that is not used by others. It would be similar to writing an essay in English to give to a Spanish speaker or writing an anthropological art essay that is 26 pages long and expect my students to understand the concepts, let alone be entertained.   There you go, "broken down Barney style." Army Jargon.
     Persuasive themes move peoples emotions by way of nationalistic themes. I see the Flag and I feel patriotic. I see the Towers and I get defensive.  I see a one dollar bill and am reminded of how great of a man George Washington was. Last, but not least, I see a Donkey and an Elephant and, I think worthless!
     The Army uses master narratives. It is a very tight knit group that glorifies battle, camaraderie, heroes, honor, tradition, etc., etc., ad nausea. Master narratives are used to appeal to communities, groups, regions that share common dreams and hopes. Seagulls meaning to Mormons is something completely different than seagulls mean to west coast people.
     Content and Technical Signatures. This is a term for production quality. I can write the best novel ever written in crayons on cardboard and, chances are slim that it or I would ever be taken seriously. I could write garbage and have a Nobel prize author endorse it and people would take it as the next greatest thing. This is why you will never see Rolex watches advertised in a comic book. Wrong audience.
     Bang for the buck. Audience resonance and effects. Did the message reach the intended audience AND what is the likely hood, or to what degree will the audience act because of the message.
     I missed the fifth term discussed in class. Check back later

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Compare and Contrast- describing simmilarities and differences

     Compare and contrast in visual rhetoric consists if two ideas, Side by Side comparison and Point by Point comparison. These formats have several advantages and disadvantages. I will try to illustrate the differences between the two ideas by using side by side format.
     Side by side format allows the author to explain and illustrate the entire subject. He can explain the whole visual in its entirety. This method allows for a good flow for the reader. It allows the reader to gain a well rounded image of the picture, and keeps the reader focused on one image at a time, thus, eliminating confusion from going back and forth.
     Subject by subject or point to point is a format that is especially beneficial to illustrate differences or similarities in debate or refute type comparisons. It is literally an item by item comparison. This can cause the audience to feel like they are being moved back and forth. It can also feel like the essay is not connected or that it has a choppy flow to it.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Visual Rhetoric and Gazes

     Disclaimer: I don't know the artist or name of this painting. I found it in the Huntsman Cancer Institute a few years ago.
     I have learned how to tell a story. I understand the basic narrative tools. It would appear that we are now going to use those tools to describe something visual. That does not sound difficult, except that, how do I describe to you this painting? I can tell you size, shape, colors, and subject. I want you to see this painting the way I see it. I want to describe in detail so that if you ever saw it in a museum some where you would Know it. There are many different "Gazes" to describe something visual in writing. For example are we viewing an intimate moment between lovers or is she playing for us? Is she writing a song or just picking? I am excited to learn this style of writing.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I didn't score high enough on the Accuplcr for English so.......

     I have have to take ENG 1010 from Dr. R. Marchant. Cause and Effect at its best. Cause and Effect is used in text to illustrate examples and to imply action. It is a rhetoric tool to show relationship between events or ideas. I have often used the cause and effect narrative tool to explain to my daughter what will happen when she makes a choice. I help her to see possible outcomes. This type of illustration helps her to make thoughtful informed decisions. Sometimes, in spite of my best efforts to influence her thinking, she still makes decisions with negative effects. Six year olds! What can you do?
     Cause explains how different events or ideas come to fruition and analyzes why the Effect happens. I did not score high enough on my Accuplcr test so I have to take Dr. Marchants 1010 class.  What caused me to take Eng 1010 (effect)?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Peer Reveiw and self-esteem

     Thick skin is needed for this class. Seriously, I write a story, and pour out my soul, then let someone else tell me how to fix it? Peer Review. The purpose of a peer review is simple. I allow others, who's opinion I trust, to tell me what is good and bad with my text. I appreciated the comments I received today. I was happy to hear that my story made sense. I was told that it flowed well and it seemed easy to follow chronologically. I also learned, that when I write something it doesn't necessarily translate well to paper. I found that I need to be better at relaying my thoughts and feelings better.
    The real trick is how to comment on another persons' paper. I wanted to get involved in the story. I wanted to tell the other author how to fix his paper. I need to remember that, it is not my story, or my voice. I also learned that I don't know anything about punctuation. Word to the wise, take your paper early and often to the English tutors. Chad was awesome and he took time to explain several concepts to me. Remember this, it is not your story or belief's that are being reviewed, it is your mechanics.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Retorical tools and the narrative

     The essay discussed today was about Arthurian Legends and their prevalence in today's modern media. I found myself thinking of my favorite movies again. I immediately thought of Disney's "The Sword In The Stone." Mary Zembreno discusses four main reasons why she believes that modern story telling follows the romantic Arthurian legend are:
  1. Mutability or Plasticity which means the ways in which the source material can be and has been reshaped for new audiences.
  2. Piecemeal is the way in which narratives have been assembled from various sources that encourages later adaptations.
  3. Windows of Opportunity are undeveloped interludes between events. They are blank spots open to interpretation and imagination.
  4. Open-Ended Closures are episodes puposfully ommitted that are contained in sources that are deliberately called attention to allowing for a "To Be Continued"
      Disney studio uses A Window of Opportunity, Arthur's childhood, to tell the story of his youth up until just after he pulls the sword. We can easily see how Mutable the story of King Arthur is, as it allows for authors to fill in the gaps in time. The Arthur legend itself, is built upon a Piecemeal collection of historical accounts and old stories, and is an Open-Ended Closure. We are always left awaiting the return of the king.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Who, What, Where and Why

      There are four main parts to the narrative structure. First is the Setting, or where. Second is the Characters or the who. Third is the Plot or the what. Lastly comes the Theme or the why. Just as I learned story arc's in elementary school I also learned about writing paragraphs that thell the Who, What, Where, and Why. Usually the first paragraph answers these question. Star Wars starts with a long title "A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away...civil war..rebels...victory against the evil Galactic Empire."
       The setting plays an inportant role in story telling, it sets the context in which the narrative is taking place. For example, back to Star Wars, the ultimate space fairy tale doesn't quite work if it is set in Ogden, Utah. The story would not have any credibility.  The Characters, who the story is about. Why do I like them or hate them? What do they do? Based on the setting what are the characters likely to be involved in? What is the story about? very simply taht is the definition of Plot. Space fairy tales with cool characters have to be doing something if not there is no story, no point. with these three components of narrative structure in place we now need a Why or Theme. What is the moral of our story? What should I learn from this? What was the author trying to tell me? The theme give the story meaning. In another Galaxy good beat evil, freedom beat tyranny and everyone was left to pursue their own happiness. If it can happen there maybe it can happen here. Theme

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Narrative Structures?

        Narrative structures is another term for a story arc. I didn't understand this while reading the assignment until I saw the graphs in the essay. I remembered learning about story arc's in elementery school. Basically, what we are discussing are the parts of the story. In all stories or narratives the author is trying to convey an idea. The author does this in a way that can actually be visually graphed. For me visually seeing a story arc helps me understand the overall theme of a story. It helps me stay out of the details so I can understand the the authors meaning.
      To help explain this observation lets look at my favorite story, The Star Wars Trilogy. Overall the trilogy is set in "A Galaxy Far, Far away" Space. The characters, an unlikely hero,a Princess, a pirate, wise wizards and evil, tyranycal dictators bent on galaxy wide domination. There are several tension elements building to climax then, a set back for the good guys, then a build up again, set back and finally our heroes, against all odds beat the bad guys. The theme of Star Wars is good triumphing over evil. Simple easily graphed. Easy to define. Easy for me to understand.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I can speak the language.....

           I suck at English! I barely passed high school english. I would have failed were it not for the special attention I received from Mrs. Lespade in 11th grade. She made me sit by her all year. I actually earned a B+. Love her! I find myself hoping that this Professor can help me write better. I am not scared or nervous, just cautiously hopeful. I found myself thinking of all the thing I want to write about while he was talking today. Possibly as much as a good teacher can help a student, a humbled student can soak up the knowledge.               
 Too pious? Too sentimental? To much ego stroking? Let me know.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Set up of my ENG1010 blog

This is all a bit odd for me. I have spent the last ten years trying not to have a presence on the internet. I prided my self that my name never came up in a Google search. This is one instance where I wish I was a few years younger.