Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Compare and Contrast- describing simmilarities and differences

     Compare and contrast in visual rhetoric consists if two ideas, Side by Side comparison and Point by Point comparison. These formats have several advantages and disadvantages. I will try to illustrate the differences between the two ideas by using side by side format.
     Side by side format allows the author to explain and illustrate the entire subject. He can explain the whole visual in its entirety. This method allows for a good flow for the reader. It allows the reader to gain a well rounded image of the picture, and keeps the reader focused on one image at a time, thus, eliminating confusion from going back and forth.
     Subject by subject or point to point is a format that is especially beneficial to illustrate differences or similarities in debate or refute type comparisons. It is literally an item by item comparison. This can cause the audience to feel like they are being moved back and forth. It can also feel like the essay is not connected or that it has a choppy flow to it.


  1. Very well put! You did a very good job at organizing and explaining both kinds of comparisons. I agree side by side formatting keeps the reader focused on that one, point by point can get confusing.

  2. In your title "describing similarities" is misspelled. I think this is well written. Very well illustrated differences in this post. The flow of this blog is nice. Describing point to point as choppy is spot on.
