Friday, February 24, 2012

Difinitions-Defining the discussion and Star Wars

     Can you imagine trying to explain the "force" to someone who has never seen Star Wars? The discussion of definitions and getting my audience on my same page made me think of the conversation Ben, Luke and Solo had on the Millennium Falcon after they escaped Tattooine. Solo quipped, "Hokey religions and superstitions are no match for a blaster." Obviously Solo was not on the same page as Luke and Ben. Ben told Luke that, "The force is everywhere in everything, That it moves through you and in you." Later I learned that the force comes from stupid little infections called midichlorians! Now if you have been following my blogs I have referenced Star Wars many times and you probably have some knowledge of the story and the characters. If you haven't got a clue what I am talking about go back and read my previous blogs. You will then be on the same page as I am.
     Definitions allow the author to frame the argument. The same thing happens when I give the background info, or set-up a story. I bring the audience up to speed so that they can participate in the discussion. My Definitions Essay is about the Occupy Movement and the criminal bastards on Wall Street and their evil cohorts in high government office. See I just defined my essay to you. Now you know what side of the debate I am on and you can guess which way my views go. I have pasted the link to my story and the first paragraph of my essay below.Definitions define the discussion.

Tackling Income Inequality

     The Occupy Wall street movement stems from an idea. The idea being that the economic/ political system is broken. The system is supposed to be just and it is not. The old saying “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer,” has never been more evident than it is today. The protesters may not have any new ideas on how or what to change. They are frustrated Americans giving voice to the feeling most Americans share. The feeling that this system is skewed to the business and political elite and that they are making laws and rules to benefit themselves at the expense of the worker.
Economix - Explaining the Science of Everyday Life
November 18, 2011, 6:00 am
Tackling Income Inequality

1 comment:

  1. I like you made a definition of definitions, you even gave an example. Asking the audience to define the force was a great way of showing that a definition needs to be more than one sentence. I mean trying to define the force in one paragraph would be difficult. You explained your essay topic very well.
