Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Subject Specific Rhetorical Terms= Lingo, Terminology, Jargon, (insert occupation here)speak

      I have heard terms and phrase such as, Army Jargon, I don't speak the lingo, Medical terminology and, Lawyer speak my entire life.   This is the language that is used by certain groups and/or communities, that may not be understood outside their respective circles. This is the language of the audience. As a Essayist In Training or EIT, it is important that I communicate written ideas in the language of the audience I am trying to reach. I could use many military terms that civilians would not  understand and, further still, specific terminology that is only used in some military communities that is not used by others. It would be similar to writing an essay in English to give to a Spanish speaker or writing an anthropological art essay that is 26 pages long and expect my students to understand the concepts, let alone be entertained.   There you go, "broken down Barney style." Army Jargon.
     Persuasive themes move peoples emotions by way of nationalistic themes. I see the Flag and I feel patriotic. I see the Towers and I get defensive.  I see a one dollar bill and am reminded of how great of a man George Washington was. Last, but not least, I see a Donkey and an Elephant and, I think worthless!
     The Army uses master narratives. It is a very tight knit group that glorifies battle, camaraderie, heroes, honor, tradition, etc., etc., ad nausea. Master narratives are used to appeal to communities, groups, regions that share common dreams and hopes. Seagulls meaning to Mormons is something completely different than seagulls mean to west coast people.
     Content and Technical Signatures. This is a term for production quality. I can write the best novel ever written in crayons on cardboard and, chances are slim that it or I would ever be taken seriously. I could write garbage and have a Nobel prize author endorse it and people would take it as the next greatest thing. This is why you will never see Rolex watches advertised in a comic book. Wrong audience.
     Bang for the buck. Audience resonance and effects. Did the message reach the intended audience AND what is the likely hood, or to what degree will the audience act because of the message.
     I missed the fifth term discussed in class. Check back later

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