Thursday, January 19, 2012

Peer Reveiw and self-esteem

     Thick skin is needed for this class. Seriously, I write a story, and pour out my soul, then let someone else tell me how to fix it? Peer Review. The purpose of a peer review is simple. I allow others, who's opinion I trust, to tell me what is good and bad with my text. I appreciated the comments I received today. I was happy to hear that my story made sense. I was told that it flowed well and it seemed easy to follow chronologically. I also learned, that when I write something it doesn't necessarily translate well to paper. I found that I need to be better at relaying my thoughts and feelings better.
    The real trick is how to comment on another persons' paper. I wanted to get involved in the story. I wanted to tell the other author how to fix his paper. I need to remember that, it is not my story, or my voice. I also learned that I don't know anything about punctuation. Word to the wise, take your paper early and often to the English tutors. Chad was awesome and he took time to explain several concepts to me. Remember this, it is not your story or belief's that are being reviewed, it is your mechanics.

1 comment:

  1. I like that last sentance and how you used your paper as an example.
