Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to write and Essay

     I have learned many concepts for writing an essay this semester. I believe that, the most important concept I have learned is the writing process.
     After getting the subject, the most important thing to do is write. Write down everything you know on the subject. Do not censor yourself, do not worry about grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Writing down everything you know about the subject allows you to see what information you need to know and what you already know. You can always expand and extract as necessary later. This allows you to understand what type of essay you want to use: Narrative, visual rhetoric, definition and compare and contrast, or process explanation. These organization tools allow you to reach your audience in the desired way.
     Then summarize and refine the key points of your essay and write your summary. This should "wrap-up" the discussion for the reader and allows you to hammer home the important concepts you want the reader to understand.
     Use the summary to extract your thesis statement. List your thesis in the introduction as well as any definitions that the audience might need to understand your paper. Include any relevant or current information or stories in the introduction and give the reader a road map of what you are writing about.
     Lastly, and most important, is the title. The title must grab the readers attention and give them a reason to read your story.


  1. Good job. You covered the basic parts of how to write a paper. I understood what you were instructing your audience to do.
    I would have liked you to give a little more detail on what "types of essays to use" you mentioned Narratives, visual rhetoric, definition, compare and contrast and process of explanation but you didn't really explain what they were.

  2. I agree. Indeed write everything down, forget spelling and all that jazz because you may have it now, but you'll son forget it.
    You should also go into explinations of the different essay types and the persuasive tools.
