Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Who, What, Where and Why

      There are four main parts to the narrative structure. First is the Setting, or where. Second is the Characters or the who. Third is the Plot or the what. Lastly comes the Theme or the why. Just as I learned story arc's in elementary school I also learned about writing paragraphs that thell the Who, What, Where, and Why. Usually the first paragraph answers these question. Star Wars starts with a long title "A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away...civil war..rebels...victory against the evil Galactic Empire."
       The setting plays an inportant role in story telling, it sets the context in which the narrative is taking place. For example, back to Star Wars, the ultimate space fairy tale doesn't quite work if it is set in Ogden, Utah. The story would not have any credibility.  The Characters, who the story is about. Why do I like them or hate them? What do they do? Based on the setting what are the characters likely to be involved in? What is the story about? very simply taht is the definition of Plot. Space fairy tales with cool characters have to be doing something if not there is no story, no point. with these three components of narrative structure in place we now need a Why or Theme. What is the moral of our story? What should I learn from this? What was the author trying to tell me? The theme give the story meaning. In another Galaxy good beat evil, freedom beat tyranny and everyone was left to pursue their own happiness. If it can happen there maybe it can happen here. Theme

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