Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Retorical tools and the narrative

     The essay discussed today was about Arthurian Legends and their prevalence in today's modern media. I found myself thinking of my favorite movies again. I immediately thought of Disney's "The Sword In The Stone." Mary Zembreno discusses four main reasons why she believes that modern story telling follows the romantic Arthurian legend are:
  1. Mutability or Plasticity which means the ways in which the source material can be and has been reshaped for new audiences.
  2. Piecemeal is the way in which narratives have been assembled from various sources that encourages later adaptations.
  3. Windows of Opportunity are undeveloped interludes between events. They are blank spots open to interpretation and imagination.
  4. Open-Ended Closures are episodes puposfully ommitted that are contained in sources that are deliberately called attention to allowing for a "To Be Continued"
      Disney studio uses A Window of Opportunity, Arthur's childhood, to tell the story of his youth up until just after he pulls the sword. We can easily see how Mutable the story of King Arthur is, as it allows for authors to fill in the gaps in time. The Arthur legend itself, is built upon a Piecemeal collection of historical accounts and old stories, and is an Open-Ended Closure. We are always left awaiting the return of the king.

1 comment:

  1. This deepened my understanding of the structural tools mentioned in the article.
